
Obamacare Alternatives - The Most Affordable Options In 2020

If you’re looking for health insurance, but either missed or couldn’t find a good fit through the Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces, these Obamacare alternatives are sure to meet your needs.

FirstQuote Health Staff
Published on
April 21, 2020
Last Updated on
July 5, 2024
Illustration of clip board with a Plan A and a Plan B

Each year, the Affordable Care Act’s Open Enrollment comes and goes in the blink of an eye, and millions of Americans miss their chance to enroll in coverage through their state or federal marketplace. Whether you missed the deadline to enroll in health insurance, or simply couldn’t find a plan that fit your price range, you’ll be happy to hear that there are plenty of Obamacare alternatives available. These non-Obamacare plans are often just as affordable and offer comprehensive coverage that will keep you protected.

What Are Obamacare Alternatives?

Obamacare alternatives generally refer to a health insurance plan offered by private companies outside of the ACA marketplace that are sold year round. While most of these Affordable Care Act alternatives meet the same standards and requirements as coverage options in the exchange, there are also additional options that may suit your needs a bit better.

Where To Start Your Search

When it comes to Obamacare health plans, almost everyone can start their search in the same place. You just log onto the official healthcare website, enter your zip code, and see what plans are available by you. Just like the marketplace, finding non-ACA health plans is now just as simple.

There are plenty of reliable, and intuitive tools that will help you find the perfect Obamacare alternative. For starters, a simple search online is what probably brought you here, and FirstQuote Health specializes in helping individuals find the perfect plan, whether it be on or off the exchange. If you’re looking for a quote now, you can simply enter your zip code, but if you want to learn a little more about what options are available to you, read more about these Obamacare alternatives in 2019.

The Different Types Of Alternatives

You will find that there are quite a few different options for you to choose from. Some of the alternatives provide full medical coverage, while others are very limited in the scope of benefits. This is why you need to thoroughly read what each coverage type has to offer so that you can make the right decision for yourself. Here is more information about the most non-Obamacare health insurance plans on the market right now.

Private Coverage

When most people hear the words private health insurance, they tend to envision wildly expensive coverage options that only the rich can afford, and it’s understandable. We’ve been conditioned to believe reading the word private in front of anything usually means it’s going to cost you. For example, private schools are more expensive than public or charter schools, and private jets are definitely more expensive than flying coach. The thing is, private health insurance is often cheaper for individuals and families than all other options, and here’s why.

You may not realize, through no fault of your own, that the insurance you purchase through the ACA marketplace is actually sold by private insurance companies. So, even when you do enroll an Obamacare plan, you’ll still be covered by a private insurer.

Now, in order for private companies to sell insurance on the exchange, they need to offer certain benefits and make sure they are charging everyone the same price, regardless of the risk involved. That means individuals with pre-existing conditions are going to pay the same for coverage as someone who is healthy. That results in higher premiums for everyone.

Luckily, there are subsidies available depending on income, which will help low-income families pay for their coverage. However, if you don’t qualify for a subsidy, then Obamacare alternatives may be your cheapest option.

Short-Term Coverage

Short-term health insurance plans were never meant to be comprehensive in their coverage, but what they lacked in benefits, they made up for in price. Historically, short-term served as a fallback insurance plan while people were between jobs or coverage, which is why it’s also known as temporary insurance.

Short-term plans were essentially killed by the Affordable Care Act but were brought back this year under President Trump. Now, short-term plans that were once temporary and limited to a 3-month window, can cover you for a full year, and possibly be renewed for up to 3 years.

Employer-Sponsored Coverage

The majority of Americans actually get their health coverage through work, not the health insurance marketplace. Today, most employers do offer sponsored coverage, since it is now a requirement for companies over 50 employees.

Also known as group coverage, employer-sponsored coverage is a great way for you to save money on your costs. Since your employer will help cover the cost of your premiums, this may be the cheapest and most affordable way for you to enroll in a non-Obamacare plan in 2019.

Christian Sharing Ministries

Christian Sharing Ministries are not technically health insurance plans, but they serve a similar purpose. Each month, you pay a small fee, which is often less than that of a health insurance premium through the marketplace. Rather than a company paying for your medical expenses, your bill is posted, and people will then help you cover the costs. It’s an interesting new alternative to the Affordable Care Act and one that is growing in popularity.

Supplemental Coverage

Supplement health insurance won’t be used as your primary source of coverage but can be coupled with a cheap, skinny policy that offers little to no benefits. Oftentimes, people realize that combining cheap health insurance plans with supplemental coverage can actually back out, and offer an inexpensive Obamacare alternative.

Indemnity Coverage

Indemnity plans are popular because of their low price tag and flexibility. By letting you choose your own medical provider, you can effectively seek out medical services from any provider you see fit, but there is a catch. If this plan seems too good to be true, that’s because, for many, it may be. Indemnity plans don’t negotiate rates with medical providers, which means that certain services may not be covered at all, even after you reach your deductible.

Finding An Alternative To ACA Plans With FirstQuote Health

With all of these different health insurance alternatives available, you may be confused as to which one is right for you. FirstQuote Health can help you find Obamacare alternatives that will meet your unique situation. They will go over your health care needs and discuss options with you. To get started, enter your zip code, and within minutes you’ll be able to compare the best health insurance quotes in your area.

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