It’s almost valentine's day, and you’re trying to decide what to eat with your sweetie. You know that they are on a recent health kick that started with a New Year’s resolution, and you want to make sure that your indulgence doesn’t get in the way of your partner’s healthy habits. Thankfully, the following twenty ideas are adorable healthy valentine's day treats and just what you need to surprise your loved one on the big day.
1. Clementines
You may have no idea what oranges have to do with valentine's day, but think “cuties”! Package a couple of clementines up with a thoughtful tag, and you’ll have yourself an adorable snack and healthy Valentine’s day treats. Your healthcare professionals will be proud.
2. Strawberries
The perfect color and shape, strawberries can easily be turned into hearts with a couple strokes of a kitchen knife. Add these to salads or simply to the side of the plate that you partner’s dinner sits on to let them know that your love is fruitful and healthy.
3. Crackers
Crackers are the perfect vessel for serving any kind of appetizer. Dips, cheeses, and other delicious, healthy valentine's day treats can be served with crackers at hand. Some come pre-cut into heart shapes, while other, round types are easily cut for the occasion. Enjoy the beginning of your valentine's day meal in style.
4. Watermelon
Watermelon is perfectly pink and exactly the right consistency to use cookie cutters with. Find yourself a suitable heart and get cutting. Have these as part of your appetizers or with dessert for a fresh finish to any healthy Valentine’s Day treats.

5. Bananas
Are you bananas for your date? You might tell them how you feel while you use bananas as a base for a smoothie or as something to dip in a bit of dark chocolate. (Hey, it is a holiday, after all.)
6. Eggs
Going for more of a breakfast themed fare with your Valentine? Whether you’re treating your date to actual breakfast or breakfast for dinner, you’ll want to include hard-boiled eggs. They can be shaped easily into hearts that fit with the day’s theme, and they’re great to pair with various fruit for a bit of extra protein and healthy fat.
7. Smoothies
Smoothies are perfect if you’re going for versatile. Add a few berries to the mix to achieve a pink or red hue to impress your special someone on valentine's day, and you’ll be set to go with healthy valentine's day desserts.
8. Red Peppers
These crunchy veggies are just begging to be cut into heart-shaped strips to help adorn a salad or dinner dish. Use them to your advantage as part of healthy valentine's day treats.
9. Red Wine

Looking for something to pair with your special healthy valentine's day desserts? Red wine has been known to lower blood pressure and improve heart conditions. Plus, it’s the perfect hue.
10. Coffee Drinks
Is your date a little less formal this year? Treat them to coffee with a little-steamed milk on top so that you can let them know how much you care with a little heart shape or cupid’s bow design. Pair with healthy valentine's day desserts for a real kick.
11. Tomatoes
These are another perfectly toned fruit to use in salads or dishes on valentine's day. Filled with nutrients and a little extra lycopene, they’re sure to spruce up your special night.
12. Popcorn
Planning a movie date for your Valentine’s outing? You might stick to unbuttered kettle corn with a little natural sweetness added. Popcorn is low in calories and will make your film choice that much more appealing to your special someone.
13. Raspberry/Grape Kabobs
Using these red and purple fruits to decorate wooden sticks in pretty patterns is a great option for a first course. Perhaps you serve these with a chicken or turkey dish to really prime the palette.
14. Red Jello Molds
Looking for an after-dinner option that won’t have you bulging at the waistline? Red gelatin molds are a perfect choice. They even come in heart and cupid shapes so that your entire evening can remain festive.
15. Steak
If you’re interested in a red meat option for your valentine's day dinner, you might consider cooking filet, pot roast, or even burgers. Red meat provides extra iron and a hearty base for your evening.
16. Glow Sticks
Healthy valentine's day gifts extend beyond food. Glow sticks can be shaped into a heart as a way to remember your special day with your special someone. Bonus points if you both wear them to the movie theater.
17. Jewelry
A true classic, rings, necklaces, and earrings with sparkly gemstones are certainly healthy valentine's day gifts. Scout deals to ensure the gift is healthy for your wallet as well as your partner’s satisfaction.
18. Origami Hearts
A cute way to let your special someone know you care, origami hearts can be folded using a square piece of paper. Gift one as a memento or several in a chain for decorating.
19. Note Cards
Nothing replaces a sentimental note. Truly belonging to the category of healthy valentine's day gifts, notes last forever and serve to remind your Valentine that you care year round, not just on a special day.
20. Home-cooked meal
Self-employed? Flexible schedule? If you’re really feeling the love, you might decide to cook your special someone an entire Valentine’s Day dinner, from appetizers to dessert. Enjoy your night, and make sure to turn off the stove.
Valentine’s Day is an opportunity for all sorts of healthy valentine's day treats, healthy valentine's day desserts, and healthy valentine's day gifts. Try one of these suggestions to stay festive without giving up a health-conscious mentality. Above all, enjoy the company of your loved one!